Yoni Massage | 3 hours | 450
A Yoni Massage approaches the Yoni as a revered part of the body, worthy of respect and honour.
Yoni Massage is a beautiful way for you to come fully into your body. Once fully embodied, space is available to feel in exactly that moment what needs to arise.
This may be in the form of release, a deeper listening to what your body needs you to hear, expression through sound, a deep sense of pleasure... I encourage all that needs to be seen, felt, heard and released through Yoni Massage to come forward.
Our Yonis may hold energetic, emotional and physical blockages, which keep us from our full energetic potential. Memories and trauma may be held in our Yoni's muscle and fascia. Massage in this area aids in the release of this energy, providing space for new energy and new story to reside.
Before we begin your Yoni Massage, I will listen to your story of why you chose Yoni Massage and your intention for your session. This will be followed by an undressing ritual, then I will begin your full body massage. Using intuition and touch, I will provide space for you to come fully into your body. Consent will always be gained verbally before touching your external Yoni and again prior to moving internally. Following your massage you will experience a redressing ritual.
I encourage all forms of expression - breath, sound, movement and will hold space for all of you.
Please note, a Yoni Massage may not include any touch of your external or internal Yoni. Using my intuition, I may recognise that your body is simply not ready for Yoni touch at your first session. I do not have a set agenda of what will unfold during a session, and I use a deep intuitive listening to not rush an already sensitive body.
Benefits can include -
A deeper connection to self
Regulate cycles
Increased pleasure potential
An increased knowledge of your body
Increased energy and creative drive
Awakening to your full feminine potential...
"I had a positive experience during the session as my boundaries and requests were honoured. I felt safe, held, heard, and witnessed in my vulnerability and rawness. Post session I experienced more healing and expansion and long-term positive effects from having received a yoni massage. I look forward to the next session.
Thank you, marigold, for your gift to the world."

Pleasure Potential | 1 hour | 180
This session explores your potential for greater pleasure and who doesn’t want more of that?!
Focussing on and exploring your erogenous zones, what you like and don’t like.
I use verbal communication and touch to gently guide you to your pleasure potential.
A beautiful space just for you to experience a greater knowledge of your body without expectation and the demand to give of yourself.
Pleasure potential provides increased knowledge of self to enhance your self pleasure and emboldens you to speak your needs in intimacy with lovers.
"Every consented touch/massage on me was held with Mana, presence & love.
Absolutely in gratitude to Marigold for holding me in this space. I feel so much lighter in my womb, yoni, body & being, in self. Thank you, Marigold,!"

why the word Yoni?
Yoni is the Sanskrit word for vagina and translates to “a sacred space”.
It is the place of origin, of birth, of life.
It is my mission in this life to provide space for Yoni beings to come fully into their power, fully alive in their bodies, pleasure and lives.
My offerings support this.
My Offerings
A step by step journey of your external and internal Yoni.
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1 hr | $180
Exploration of your Yoni pleasure points and how you can bring more pleasure to your life.
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1 hour | $180
Full body massage to allow you to come fully into your body. External Yoni and internal Yoni massage.
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3 hours | $450

Yoni Massage
"Marigold is an amazing woman with a gift to share to help woman in so many ways, I believe.
I am a survivor of childhood abuse. I carried many wounds throughout my life. My time spent in Marigold's presence receiving my massage was a huge release of so much pent up turmoil within myself as a woman. It was strong, enlightening and spiritually uplifting. It has been a huge tool with my healing.
I have become lighter and stronger within my direction of life,
and love for who I am,
as a woman and as a mother." - Kerran Thomasen

Yoni Mapping | 1 hour | 180
Yoni Mapping is a full exploration of your external and internal Yoni. Creating a deeper sense of body awareness and connection to self. Using verbal communication and touch to explore your Yoni. A deep exploration of sensation within the different quadrants of your internal Yoni using a clock number approach. Discovering what areas are alive, what sensations arise, what is potentially numb, what feels good and what doesn’t. In turn correlating this to your day to day life, what is alive, what may be numb, what needs changing...
Recommended 6 monthly Yoni Mapping to compare, notice changes and patterns, and where aspects of your life may need attention or change.
You will take with you a detailed map of your unique Yoni findings. In addition, techniques and advice of how to bring more vibrancy to your Yoni Space and in turn your life.
"Beautiful Woman - Marigold you have such beautiful energy & a strong presence within you.
You are intuitive in the way you carry your spirit.
Your gift left such a lasting impression within me, I feel so much lighter in my being... Thank you for seeing, holding me in this way."